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One True Loves

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Reviewed by Mel on 2024-01-23

I absolutely loved this book! Taylor Jenkins Reid might just become my new favorite author. It really made me think about how to move forward when the person you love disappears. How do you let go and convince yourself that they're gone forever? And what happens if you manage to move on and find love again, only to discover that your true love is actually alive and well? This book goes beyond choosing between two great loves; it's about being true to ourselves and discovering our true identity.

Bottom line, I would recommend this book.

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Carrie Soto Is Back

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Rating Book review added by Mel on 2023-12-02

Leave it to Taylor Jenkins Reid to make me care about tennis. When this book was announced, I was slightly disappointed. Malibu Rising was my least favorite book of hers, and I didn't really care for Sotto, or so I thought. What can I say that hasn't been said already? Taylor Jenkins Reid has the ability to create characters that are so real, you forget they are fictional for a minute. Evelyn Hugo, Daisy Jones, and Car... Read Full Review »