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Sophie's Throughway

Author: Jules Smith
Reviewed by Mel on 2024-01-14

The story starts with a doctor's office, a diagnosis, and a teenage son who is frustrated that no one understands how he feels. Although it could easily have been a grim story about the ups and downs of living with Asperger's and PDA, Jules Smith makes the book refreshing, funny, and engaging. Even though she is struggling to make it all work, she keeps her head high, chooses her battles, and when in doubt, she has wine, chocolate, and her mysterious online friend, The Voice, who surely intrigues her. This is a story that is hard to review without revealing too much. Once you start, you won't want to put the book down. It's definitely interesting to see Brandon's point of view on his struggle and how the school system is not prepared to deal with kids who think outside the box. You quickly get attached to all the characters, and like others said before me, the only downside to this book is that I wanted more!

Bottom line, I would recommend this book.