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Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City

Author: Tanya Talaga
Reviewed by Mel on 2024-01-03

Jordan Wabasse, Kyle Morrisseau, Curran Strang, Robyn Harper, Paul Panacheese, Reggie Bushie, and Jethro Anderson. Seven Fallen Feathers were found dead, hundreds of miles away from their families, forced to live in an unwelcoming city so they could do what all Canadian children and teens do every day: go to school. Award-winning journalist Tanya Telaga tells their story, the story of how, again and again, the systems keep failing Indigenous youth and their communities. It was the case 200 years ago, and it is still the case today. It's an important read for all Canadians.

So many of us have our heads in the sand, and so many times have I heard, "That was a long time ago; why don't they get over it?" As an Acadian, I often jokingly reply that the 1755 deportation was also a long time ago, yet we don't shut up about it! But then I remind them that over 30 First Nation communities in Canada don't have clean drinking water. So many children have to move to an urban city to attend school. Their parents and grandparents are still reeling and healing from the abuse they suffered in residential schools, the last one closing its doors in 1998. I was 12 years old. This makes it our problem. It's not an easy book to read, but it is a must read and I am grateful Tanya Talaga wrote it.

Bottom line, I would recommend this book.